Friday, 11 May 2007

Helsinki turns out for Eurovision (after the ice hockey)

Senate Square was a little poorly attended as the Eurovision semi-final kicked off. It was soon apparent that this was due to a certain ice hockey match taking place between the USA and Finland. Once Finland's victory had been announced a slow trickle of people started filling the square. It still wasn't quite packed but I'm sure it will be for the final on Saturday. Senate Square is where Finland's results will be announced from.

Large cheers followed every mention of Finland or Helsinki and for every Scandanavian country that performed. Andorra was another crowd favourite.

As always the semi-final threw up some surprises; Switzerland, one of the long-running favourites failed to qualify, becoming this year's Kate Ryan, whilst Hungary sailed through to Saturday's final. Other hotly tipped songs that failed to qualify included Malta (who won the Eurovision poll), Andorra, Norway, Denmark and Cyprus.

The countries that qualified for Saturday's final (in random order) were:
  • Serbia
  • Slovenia
  • Bulgaria
  • Belarus
  • Moldova
  • Georgia
  • Latvia
  • Turkey
  • FYR Macedonia
  • Hungary

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