Thursday, 10 May 2007

Semi-final dress rehearsal

An event like the Eurovision Song Contest is a logistical nightmare to sort out and with 28 countries performing in quick succession they need a lot of practice to get it right on the night. So it's a good job they have 3 dress rehearsals beforehand. We went to the Wednesday evening dress rehearsal.

Watching Eurovision live in the arena is a completely different experience. The sound is amazing and you get to see all the little stagehands who rush out and move props and sweep the stage manically during those 30 second 'postcards' between songs. With the number of props this year (mannequins, podiums, a bus stop, a giant crown, a giant fluffy aids ribbon and giant moving doors) it's amazing that they manage it.

You also get a completely different impression of the songs live in the arena. Czech Republic, Moldova and Estonia sounded better whilst Switzerland is likely to work better on screen than it does in the arena.

My predictions for the semi-final based on last night's performances are:
  1. Serbia
  2. Switzerland
  3. Slovenia
  4. Belarus
  5. Bulgaria
  6. Georgia
  7. Moldova
  8. Turkey
  9. Latvia
  10. Andorra

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